Seven years ago I moved from the Netherlands to live with my Palestinian husband in East Jerusalem. My life here is full of stories. I love sharing the unexpected side of Palestine. As a tour guide I talk about history, heritage, flora and fauna, as Kristel, I have my personal experiences to share.
In this episode Vivien Sansour talks about the importance of heirloom seeds and the cultural heritage that is connected to the traditional crops. Musician Zaid Hilal was inspired by the story of the Abu Samra heirloom wheat and he composed a song.
“Oh Abu Samra, handsome dark one, we miss the time when my grandmother used to bake delicious bread of you”.
You can hear the full version of this song on Soundcloud if you look for Zaid Hilal.
Zaid also produced the music for this podcast.
To learn more about the work of the Palestinian Heirloom Seed Library you can find them through El Beir, Arts and Seeds on facebook and instagram and google for articles.
Links, photos and more background on and on Instagram ‘Stories from Palestine‘
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